The right team for the job: In the first book on Mining, De Re Metallica (“On the Nature of Minerals”, 1556) its author, Georgius Agricola, argued that mining and prospecting are not just a matter of luck and hard work; there is specialized knowledge that must be learned. “A miner should have knowledge of philosophy, medicine, astronomy, surveying, arithmetic, architecture, drawing and law, though few are masters of the whole craft and most are specialists”. Five hundred and sixty years later, this is more true than ever. Thus, GeoSystems’ approach to problem-solving and project development is based on working with Independent Associates to build the right team for the job.
Sustainable Development: Agricola in his text also discussed the danger of mining to its workers and its destruction of the areas in which it is carried out. But he argues that without metals, no other activity such as architecture or agriculture are possible: if it cannot be grown, it has to be mined. GeoSystems’ contributes to sustainable mining by providing contamination and risk assessments related to mining activities. GeoSystems’ also provides support for Environmental Impact Statements and soil, water, and air contamination assessments for all other industries.
Technical Development of Client's Main Assets: GeoSystems International has many years’ experience in developing training seminars, workshops, and short courses in basic and advanced mining and environmental geostatistics; resource modeling; grade control methods; international standards for resource classification and resource public statements; and conditional simulations.
GeoSystems International also develops custom-made software for specific Client’s needs. While this development does not result in commercial applications, they provide the Client with solutions in specific cases where commercial applications are not available.
Geosystems International builds it project-specific teams with the help of several independent associates, all with many years’ experience in their field of expertise. If you would like to learn more about them, click below.